Hello. I'm Marcin Nabiałek


  • I'm Senior PHP developer.
  • I'm Laravel expert.
  • I'm Certified Laravel Developer.
  • I'm Zend Certified PHP Engineer.
  • I'm Project Manager.
Marcin Nabiałek

PHP and Laravel developer

I am PHP developer specialized in Laravel framework. I also have experience in managing teams of developers, analyzing other developers code (Code review) and helping other developers in solving issues.

In 2017 I've passed international PHP exam (PHP 7.1 version) and received prestigious certificate Zend Certified Engineer. In 2018 I've passed Laravel framework exam and received Certified Laravel Developer certificate that proofs my good Laravel framework knowledge.

Marcin Nabiałek - Zend Certified PHP Engineer Marcin Nabiałek - Certified Laravel Developer

For a few years I also help other developers, mainly in PHP and Laravel sections in international developers forum StackOverflow

Marcin Nabiałek StackOverflow profile










My skills

I specialize mainly in backend technologies. I know PHP and Laravel framework very well, I pay attention to Unit and Integration tests (TDD methodology). I take care of details and high code quality, using tools that help to format and analyze application code.









See my


Car auctions system

Car auctions system

Role: Full-stack developer

Technologies: PHP, Laravel, MySQL, HTML, Sass, JavaScript, jQuery, RWD, Webpack, Yarn

Restaurants management system

Restaurants management system

Role: Full-stack developer

Technologies: PHP, Laravel, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHPUnit

Ou-déjeuner restaurants

Ou-déjeuner restaurants

Role: Full-stack developer

Technologies: PHP, MySQL, Twig, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery

Amoredo.dk dating

Amoredo.dk dating

Role: Full-stack developer

Technologies: PHP, Laravel, MySQL, HTML, Sass, JavaScript, jQuery, RWD, Webpack, Yarn

FVonline - Invoicing system

FVonline - Invoicing system

Role: Senior PHP Developer, Project manager

Technologies: PHP, Laravel, MySQL, REST, API, PHPUnit

Online insurance

Online insurance

Role: Senior PHP Developer, Project manager

Technologies: PHP, Laravel, MySQL, REST, API, PHPUnit

Teachers courses

Teachers courses

Role: Senior PHP Developer

Technologies: PHP, Laravel, MySQL



Role: Senior PHP Developer

Technologies: PHP, Laravel, API, REST, Codeception

Websign company website

Websign company website

Role: Full-stack developer

Technologies: PHP, MySQL, Smarty, XHTML, CSS, jQuery, SEO optimization

What I did


  • Experience

  • 2018-06 - Present

    Senior Laravel PHP developer

    Web Tribu

    Maintenance and adding new features to existing applications, determination of functionality requirements, develop new application in Laravel framework using TDD methodology

  • 2018-02 - 2018-05

    Senior Laravel PHP developer

    LeadDesk Oy

    Analyze application code and creating documentation, changes in application functionality, optimization of code logic and SQL queries, adding new custom features for company clients, integration with external APIs

  • 2016-01 - 2018-05

    Senior Laravel PHP developer, Project manager

    DevPark sp. z o.o.

    Created API (REST) for declaring employee availability hours, fixing bugs, time execution optimization and adding new functionalities to Laravel applications, determination of functionality requirements and creating documentation for new projects, direct contact with international customers, project management, code reviews of other developers’ code, finding possible problems and bugs

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